Srprs.Me Trip, Travelling into the Unknown

Srprs.Me Trip, Travelling into the Unknown

Disclaimer: This was not a sponsored trip.   A few weeks ago I took a trip into the unknown. Reason being, this is the charm of, you go where you are meant to go, as the tagline points out. If you haveContinue reading
On 12:00 pm

2018 Cosplay Plans!

2018 Cosplay Plans!

It is that time again when cosplay plans are set into motion for 2018! If you have read my 2017 plans you would have seen that I wasn't necessarily over ambitious, however like any cosplayer, my list of cosplays 'to-dos' grows after watchingContinue reading
On 12:21 am

2017 in Review: Cosplay, Gaming, Life and more!

2017 in Review: Cosplay, Gaming, Life and more!

Well 2017, you passed quickly! And while overall, it was a pretty shitty year, there were times that were good and most importantly times where I overcame difficulties.  I am going to break this down into four sections: Cosplay, Gaming, Life and 2018Continue reading
On 3:15 pm

Keeping Up with the Geeks

Keeping Up with the Geeks

Beamly This weekend I have been to the cinema with the con crew to watch Thor: Ragnarok; a usual trip that happens a few times a year to watch the latest Marvel or DC offering. I have joked to my Dad (who hasContinue reading
On 8:28 pm